Make the difference to an undergraduate

Volunteer to become a leadership coach for a student starting university this year

“The students are amazing. Their energy, activism, determination, motivation, courage - they are phenomenal young people who want to change the world!

— Coach on The Bridging Project

Volunteer to become a leadership coach

Starting university is a big transition and a big change. Many students struggle with the transition; with the jump to academic independence, with issues of social isolation and financial planning. For first generation undergraduates these problems are amplified and the may have a smaller support network to help them. As a result they are more likely to drop out of university, and less likely to obtain a ‘good degree’. This isn’t right, and you can help change it.

Apply to become a leadership coach and:

  • Empower undergraduates to make the most out of their time at university and overcome any problems they face

  • Support undergraduates to develop a sense of belonging at university

  • Develop long term goals and short term targets to help undergraduates attain their potential academically and beyond

  • Gain valuable coaching experience and enhance your CV

  • Gain hours required for coaching certification or accreditation

  • Enhance your communication and coaching skills

  • Develop a diverse group of young talent

“The coaches are indispensable sources of support, encouraging you to do things that are necessary but might make you slightly uncomfortable - for me it was organising meetings, and making contact with pastoral support around my college at Oxford.

— Classical Archaeology and Ancient History student on The Bridging Project

Why Volunteer

“Because of the students! Their energy, activism, determination, motivation, courage - they are phenomenal young people who want to change the world!”

Coach on The Bridging Project

“It’s amazing how committed and engaged my coachee has been. Seeing her confidence in herself and her abilities grow.

Coach on The Bridging Project

“My coach has been a very important figure throughout my first year at university. I have been able to go to them with any problems and questions knowing that I will receive the necessary support and guidance. ”

Politics Student on The Bridging Project


Where does The Bridging Project operate?

The Bridging Project has been supporting students at over 14 different universities. We currently work in close partnership with Oxford, Cambridge and UCL. Meetings will take place in person or virtually, with at least one visit a term to the university.

What is the time commitment for leadership coaches?

The time commitment is around 1-2 hours a week including prep work.

Is the leadership coach role right for me?

This role is right for you if you believe in the leadership potential of students no matter where they are from. You are keen to help students reach their potential and make the most out of university and you’re eager for professional development that improves your facilitation, coaching and management skills.

We prioritise applications from coaches who:

  • Having experience coaching young adults

  • Have lived and relatable experience to the students on our programme

What qualifications do I need?

You do not need to be a qualified coach for this role however you do need some coaching experience. We will also provide training before you start. You need strong communication skills, active listening and powerful questioning. Its integral that you can build strong relationships with young people.