Student success: Thriving through the first year of university 
The Bridging Project The Bridging Project

Student success: Thriving through the first year of university 

We are so incredibly proud of the amazing progress all of our students have made this year. The students that we support at The Bridging Project all come from under-represented backgrounds and are at a significantly higher risk of dropping out of university in their first year. Through our programme of 1-1 coaching sessions, these students all had the opportunity to develop key leadership skills including resilience, problem solving and confidence, develop long term goals and short term targets and build a sense of belonging at university in their first term.

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A first term full of impact
The Bridging Project The Bridging Project

A first term full of impact

The start of 2024 is in full swing and as we set the tone for a jam-packed year ahead, we’ve been taking a look back at the impact our coaching programme had at some of our partner universities last term.

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Student Q&A: Exploring the first term at university
The Bridging Project The Bridging Project

Student Q&A: Exploring the first term at university

The first month at university can feel like a whirlwind - so many things to learn, new places to explore and people to meet. As a first-year student - especially those who find themselves as the first in the family to attend university, or without the same support network as their peers - giving yourself the time you need to settle in is really important; it’s a time to try new things, get used to being away from home and even learn more about yourself.

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