Support us

Supporting remarkable undergraduates requires remarkable supporters.

We became a registered charity in 2022 and work hard year-round to raise the funds we need to support as many students as possible.

With your help, we can make sure that young people from all backgrounds have the support system and resilience they need to succeed at university and beyond.

You can make a donation to The Bridging Project by filling in this form. If you would like to talk to a member of our team about funding our work, please email, or find out more about the impact that your donation could make below.

Thank you for your support.

What does my donation do?

Your support enables us to provide coaching to over 100 young people at some of the UK’s top universities every year. Our professional coaches support students from low-income backgrounds to bridge the transition from school to higher education.

Our aim is for underrepresented students at top UK universities to develop key skills, set personal goals and build their sense of belonging at university. This in turn grows their confidence, influences their career choices and ultimately develops the leaders of the future.

Our approach is working. In 2022-23, 100% of students on our programme remained at university after their first year, in contrast to the national average which sadly sees 1 in 12 students from low-income backgrounds dropping out.

With your help, we can expand our activities and ensure even more young people have the support they need to thrive at university and beyond.

Coming into university I had a lot of the worries that many first-generation students have but on top of that I have a lot of caring responsibilities. I am also neurodivergent so I was really worried about living independently, taking ownership of my learning and working out how to access support at university. The Bridging Project [gave me] a much more positive approach to university and life. Ultimately this programme has been the most important thing in helping me navigate my first year. Without this support I just don’t think I would have managed.
— A Bridging Project Student

Grant-making trusts and foundations

We welcome the support of grant-making organisations, particularly those focused on social mobility and social justice, youth mental health, pathways and employment for young people, and the power of person-centred coaching. To find out more about our work and to explore our fit with your grant-making criteria, please contact us on

The great point of difference and value of The Bridging Project is the coaching element. Coaching is completely different to mentoring or any other forms of support and isn't something colleges can provide students. Coaching as a model of support empowers students with the skills needed to identify and solve problems for themselves and set goals; helps build their confidence; and find their place at the University during their first year here.
— Hannah Rolley, Head of Access, Trinity College Oxford


We are happy to discuss opportunities for sponsorship with like-minded businesses who share our values.

Please contact us at to talk further.